Charger for Channel 4 <</ TITLE> <meta content="Sasha Shostatsky" name="author"> <CENTER> <H2> Charger for Channel 4 </H2> </CENTER> <br><br> <center> <img alt="pic_charg1.JPG" src="pic_charg1.jpg"></center> <br> <hr> Charging for PIC 16F84 based on this site: <br> <A HREF=""></a href> <br> <pre> Charger is made on the charger base vanson v-629a. He removed from the transformer, all SMD contact details with the board, SMD-6.8 Ohm resistors from the board switching Added charges of third-party switch mode power supply 15 V 0.8 A (can any stress - from 12 to 15 V) payment is made proper charger (available under the card contacts) The original battery has quad switch three positions in the test position connects the leftmost contacts In the discharge connects the battery of six 12-ohm resistors to any of the 4 contacts for the batteries. Mode charge 9V is made under the simplified principle. </ Pre> <br> Here the options after the relevant switching: <br> The basic scheme of a mode switch charge: <br> <center> <img alt="pic-charger.gif" src="pic-charger.gif"> </center> <br> <hr> Changes after switching to the discharge and test, extra charger for 9V: <br> <center> <img alt="pic-charger2.gif" src="pic-charger2.gif"> </center> <br> <hr> Placing cards inside: <br> <center> <img alt="pic_charg2.jpg" src="pic_charg2.jpg"></center> <br> <center> <img alt="pic_charg3.jpg" src="pic_charg3.jpg"></center> <br> <hr> This archive files src, hex, lut, spl: <br> <A HREF=""> (150k) </A> <P> <HR> Programmator pic:<br> <A HREF=""> (1.5M)</A><P><HR> PDF on the use of the ADC: <br> <A HREF="adc0831.pdf"> adc0831.pdf (567k) </A> <P> <HR> <br> <CENTER> <A HREF=""> [main page] </A> <A HREF="javascript:history.back();"> [return] </A> </CENTER> </ BODY> </ HTML>